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Learning Log 5

LL 5.1 Summary

Question two in the book Who, Me Lead a Group? has taught me how to approach leading adults in different types of groups. I've learned that adults learn several different ways such as seeing (eyes), listening or hearing (ears), their intuition (their body is telling them that they know this), and through their bodies (moving). Adults also need to learn material by using abstract and concrete ideas. I also learned that there are four different types of groups which are the discovery group, the sharing group, the skill building or task group and the planning group. These groups usually overlap each other in the planning process.

Clarke, Jean Illsley, (1998).Who, Me Lead a Group?. Parenting Press, Inc. Seattle Washington

LL 5.3 Types of Groups Chart

LL 5.5 Adult Learning Process Infographic

LL 5.7 Great Leader Ted Playlist 

In the Ted Talk Listen, learn then lead (15:22), I learned that I first need to have confidence in my group an they must have confidence in me as well. Even though the group that I may lead in the future my come from different walks of life we must come together and put differences aside to come together for a common purpose.

In the Ted Talk Why we have too few women leaders (14:42), I've learned that it is very important for women to come to the forefront of leadership. This ted talk really hits home with me because I find myself wanting to take a leadership role at work, however I find myself falling back because I don't want to step anyone's toes. This video empowered me to take the leadership role, and to also continue to encourage my children to be leaders especially my daughters. 

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