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LL 2.1 Fake Text Summary

Darling, C. A., & Cassidy, D., & Powell, L. (2014). Family Life Education: Working with Families Across the Lifespan. Third Edition. Waveland Press, Inc.

LL 2.2 Experimental Learning Styles Chart

LL 2.5 Multiple Intelligences Survey

I had two very strong points that were identified while taking the Multiple Intelligences Survey. My first strong point was using logic, and the second was my intrapersonal skills. I use logic while trying to solve problems, but I also use my intrapersonal skill to try to work the issue out within myself. 


LL 2.1 Fake Text Summary

Darling, C. A., & Cassidy, D., & Powell, L. (2014). Family Life Education: Working with Families Across the Lifespan. Third Edition. Waveland Press, Inc.

LL 2.2 Experimental Learning Styles Chart

LL 2.5 Multiple Intelligences Survey

I had two very strong points that were identified while taking the Multiple Intelligences Survey. My first strong point was using logic, and the second was my intrapersonal skills. I use logic while trying to solve problems, but I also use my intrapersonal skill to try to work the issue out within myself. 

LL 2.6 Family Theory Informational Poster

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