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LL 1.1 Summary

Family Life Education is all about collaborating, preventing and educating individuals, and families to make them stong units. We collaborate with schools, community center, churches, and any organization that wants to educate families and prevent harmful family situations. We first collaborate, then we teach preventative methods through educational classes.

LL 1.2 Haiku

Teaching families love,

preventing family failure,

working together.

LL 1.4 Professional Collaboration

This model demonstrates the way Family Life Education coexists with family therapist and family case managers to build strong family foundations, that makes strong communities.



Darling, C. A., & Cassidy, D., & Powell, L. (2014). Family Life Education: Working with Families Across the Lifespan. Third Edition. Waveland Press, Inc.

LL 1.6 Family Life Education Infographic

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